Meet Info

EVO Club Merchandise

All swimmers are expected to wear EVO-branded uniform at all competitions. Club merchandise is available by contacting the Club Manager at

Conduct Expectations

No matter where the swimming competition (meet) is held, swimmers come under the direction of the EVO club Coaches and team Managers. Full cooperation and respect is expected as per the SNZ Member Protection Policy. This makes trips, meets and camps more enjoyable and safer for everyone.

During a meet, it is requested that parents are seated in the spectator seating and do not take their children away from the team area without the knowledge of the team manager. Team managers are responsible for every team member until the end of the session and/or meet and your swimmer may also be required for relays and extra events.

Family Competition Support

The family of each swimmer who enters a competition is expected to assist in the running of that competition. You will not always be called upon, but it would be appreciated if you could make yourself available to volunteer for one of the roles, should the club require assistance.

This may take the form of help in any one or more of the following

  • Timekeeper (TK)
  • Turn Judge (IOT)
  • Marshalling
  • Team Management
  • Kitchen or catering duties 
  • Set up and pack down

They are not big tasks if spread amongst many. It only becomes so, when only a few come forward to help. If you are hesitant or unsure what the roles entail, please contact the EVO Officials Convener at who will buddy you with a more experienced volunteer to assist you.

We thank you in advance for your support.